ARD Rebels

If culture doesn't do politics, who does? "Rebels" meets artists with strong attitudes and their political protest.a joint production of ARD Kultur, BR, rbb, NDR, SWR, WDR and MDR. They occupy houses, write songs against the AfD and occasionally break the boundaries of legality.the power of music with Jennifer Weist, Disarstar, Blond, PTK and Ton Steine Scherben.

Cast Jennifer Weist, Disarstar, Blond, PTK, Ton Steine Scherben

Director, Athor Çağdaş Eren Yüksel
Executiveproduction Çağdaş Eren Yüksel, Luis Engels
Production Cocktailfilms

Sponsored Film- und Medienstiftung NRW

Camera Mahmoud Belakhel
Cut Tobias Adams, Dolunay Gördüm

Sounddesign Timecode
Location Sound Albert Gabriel
Re-Recording Henning Großmann

Year 2022
Duration 3x 30 min